Meet HealthStreet Member Kevin
From an Initial Introduction to Cancer Intervention
On a hot Friday afternoon, Community Health Worker Diego Traibel crossed paths with a gentleman named Kevin during routine outreach at the Grace Marketplace. They struck up a conversation that would prove invaluable to both of them.
Kevin, who happens to be homeless, informed Diego that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer two months ago. Although eager to get his cancer treated, Kevin had not been able to get treatment due to a lack of information, lack of resources and a mistrust in health care.
How HealthStreet Helped
As a HealthStreet community health worker (CHW), Diego felt compelled to make sure Kevin was directed towards medical care. He located the number for UF Health Urology, made sure that Kevin’s Medicare insurance would cover appointment expenses and secured an appointment for Kevin to be seen by a doctor for August 7. Diego said that Kevin couldn’t express how grateful he was and wanted to repay him in some way. Diego replied, “I told Kevin that what I really want is for him to win his battle against prostate cancer.”
He said he will.
HealthStreet will be following up with Kevin to provide materials from the UF Cancer Resource Center, a room housed at the HealthStreet facility that holds comprehensive, free information about various types of cancer. HealthStreet will also put Kevin into contact with the center’s director, Samuel Gaddy, who serves as the vice president of the Alachua County Prostate Cancer Alliance and is someone who can offer support and resources about the disease.
Meet HealthStreet Member Marcia
Marcia is a great advocate for her community and a valuable HealthStreet Member
Marcia is described by Angelia Hawkins, a HealthStreet community health worker, as “always being on hand for her community.”
The HealthStreet team could not agree more! Marcia makes sure to actively participate in various HealthStreet community events such as Our Community, Our Health, a forum that serves as an ongoing conversation between community members and researchers.
Marcia is involved in other local initiatives such as New Town Success Zone (NTSZ). NTSZ is a neighborhood project that uses successful strategies to provide services in a unique and specific way that reflects Jacksonville’s cultural, geographic and economic character.
As a community advocate, Marcia is constantly building relationships with people and informing them about the benefit HealthStreet brings to the community’s health.