On Jan 27th, 2019, UF HealthStreet hosted a town hall meeting on healthy aging and the kinds of evidence-based lifestyle interventions that support and enhance the aging process.
The interactive forum was livestreamed, allowing both in-person and online audience members to have their questions answered by the panel of experts.
The panel included:
- Stephen Anton, Ph.D., division chief of clinical research in the UF College of Medicine’s department of aging and geriatric research
- Betty Flagg, administrator of community outreach and healthy aging at Elder Options
- Kieran Reid, Ph.D., M.P.H., Scientist II in the nutrition, exercise physiology, and sarcopenia lab at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
The moderator was Marco Pahor, M.D., director of the UF Institute on Aging and founding chair of the UF College of Medicine’s department of aging and geriatric research.
Dr. Pahor provided one of the key takeaways of the night:
“When it comes to exercise, doing a little makes a huge difference versus doing nothing.” – Dr. Marco Pahor
Some of the questions the audience asked during the forum include:
- “Are there any known negative consequences to intermittent fasting?”
- “How long must you do calorie restriction before you experience the benefits? Months? Years?”
- “What times are the ‘feeding’ times?”
- “Does drinking coffee count as breaking your fast?”
- “Are ketogenic diets good cancer treatments?”
Watch the livestream to hear how the panelists answered.
The following infographic summarizes some of the insights from our panelists’ research.
To hear specific insights from our forum, please watch the recorded livestream.