On Wednesday, November 6th, Our Community, Our Health (OCOH) will be brought to Florida State University for a national town hall focusing on Catalyzing Leadership and Community-Engagement for Maternal and Child Health Equity.
We invite you to join the discussion on maternal and child health equity and stimulate catalytic conversations toward leadership in health equity using an innovative format in which participants share lived experience.
- Time: Local reception begins at 5:30 p.m. EDT, town hall 6-7 p.m. EDT
- Location: FSU Research Foundation Building A, Room 120, 2000 Levy Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32310.
- Livestream: https://uflphi.zoom.us/j/630385120 Meeting ID: 630 385 120
- RSVP: RSVP to Lisa Gardner at lisa.gardner@med.fsu.edu
Don’t forget to share the OCOH information with your local community members and network through Facebook, Twitter and listserv announcements!
Panelists include:
- Camara Jones, MD, MPH, Ph.D., Fellow at Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
- Penny A. Ralston, Ph.D., Professor, Dean Emeritus, and Director, Center on Better Health and Life, Florida State University
- Reverend Roosevelt Rogers, Pastor of Old Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Convener, Pastors’ Advisory Council, Health for Hearts United
- Courtney Atkins, MA, LPC, Executive Director, Whole Child Leon
- Joedrecka Brown Speights, MD, FAAFP, Professor and Chair, Family Medicine and Rural Health, Florida State University
- Miaisha Mitchell, BA, Executive Director, Greater Frenchtown Revitalization Council
You can organize a viewing party and invite your local community members to participate in our town hall using the livestream link.
- They will be able to send in questions via the livestream app or by live-tweeting their questions on Twitter using the #OCOH hashtag.
For more information, visit MyHealthStreet.org