HealthStreet is excited to celebrate our 12,000th member! Members are interviewed by community health workers about their physical and mental health needs, and then they are linked to medical and social services and research opportunities. Even during COVID-19, HealthStreet continued to stay connected to the community to address important needs. Begun in Florida in late 2011, HealthStreet has members in 57 out of 67 counties and is a national model of community-engaged research. HealthStreet is in the Department of Epidemiology in the UF College of Medicine and UF College of Public Health and Health Professions and is funded by the UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute.
Our achievements to date:
- Connected with 14,000+ members in the community
- Assessed 12,000+ people with our health intake assessment
- Provided 26,000+ referrals to medical and social services from HealthStreet to partnering organizations
- Provided 54,000+ services to community members
- Linked 6,200+ people to health research studies of 250+ principal investigators
- Enrolled 2,600+ people in health research, 3,800+ times
- Hosted 48 Our Community, Our Health town halls to bi-directionally connect community and researchers
Call Healthstreet at 352-294-4880 to join over 12,000+ members! Sign up today!
Donate to help us continue our groundbreaking research.