HealthStreet provides community members with a variety of health-related services, classes, and events. We also provide opportunities to participate in research. Become a HealthStreet member by calling us at (352) 294-4880.
You can visit HealthStreet, Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 4 PM, to use our free services, including:
- Blood Pressure Screenings
- Health Needs Assessments
- Clothing Closet
- Toiletry Pantry
- NarcanĀ® Nasal Spray Kits
- Confidential HIV Testing and Counseling
- Health Research Opportunities
- Weekly and Monthly Support Groups, Clinics, and Health Events
We also can assist with a range of medical and social service referrals, including:
- Primary Care
- Dental Care
- Food Assistance
- Vision Care
- Cancer Services
- Mental Health Care
- Employment Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Insurance Assistance
- Education/GED Assistance
- Drug/Alcohol/Substance Abuse Care
- Transportation Assistance
- Childcare/Parenting Assistance
- Legal Services
- Disability Services
- Domestic Abuse Assistance