HealthStreet was the recipient of the Strategic Opportunities Grant from the the University of Florida Libraries to fund an innovative health education project in partnership with the UF Health Science Center Libraries, Educating UF Research Participants: Consumer Health Information Services at HealthStreet.
This awarded grant aims to accomplish three objectives:
1. To increase the knowledge of health information resources of HealthStreet Staff and volunteers.
2. To create a relevant and well-used physical collection of consumer health materials.
3. To make HealthStreet a known resource in the community for consumer health information.
The grant provides HealthStreet a library with a collection of print consumer health literature, a mobile tablet device with links to useful health information resources and training for staff and volunteers to find credible, in-depth online health information.
“This is an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the value of quality health information to everyone in our community,” Nursing and Consumer Health Liaison Maggie Ansell said. “Trusted health resources can change lives by empowering people to take charge of their own health!”
HealthStreet is excited and thankful for the resources and hopes to continue this relationship with the UF Health Science Libraries to enhance our community’s health education through literacy!